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Safety Committee

CRI is committed to protecting its employees from any adverse health effects resulting from activities in the workplace. To this end, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Program was drafted by the Safety, Biological Safety, Chemical Safety, and Occupational Health & Safety sub-committees. All LAU staff and animal researchers who will conduct research in the LAU must be enrolled in the OHS programme.


CRI's Biological Safety Sub-committee and Chemical Safety Sub-committee reviews all animal use protocols for identification of potential chemical and biological hazards prior to review by the IACUC. The Biological Safety Sub-committee reviews and discusses safety matters involving the use of biohazardous and radiological agents or materials in animal protocols to ensure the investigator has appropriately planned to reduce or eliminate the exposure of laboratory workers, other persons, and the outside environment to potentially hazardous agents. Issues related to the safe handling of hazardous chemicals are reviewed by the Chemical Safety Sub-committee.

Occupational Health and Safety Committee

The OHS Committee is made up of the Occupational Health Officer (medical doctor) and Nurse, a researcher, and CRI's Safety Officer, and also involves experts from the Chemical Safety and Biological Safety Sub-committees. These individuals and committees identify all work-related hazards and put in place appropriate measures to reduce risk, including establishing procedures and policy, conducting inspections, and performing/arranging training.


Dr. Wiwat Chancharoenthana, M.D.
Committee Chair

Lt. Linda Khonkhaysup

Dr. Jantamas Kanitwithayanun, Ph.D
Safety Officer

Ms. Sumitra Suntararuks
Biological Safety Representative

Dr. Charnsak Thongsornkleeb, Ph.D.
Chemical Safety Representative

Ms. Jintara Rodsawat
Safety Officer

Chemical Safety

Biological Safety

Training Program