====== Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress (PC) Program ======
===== The Forth Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress (PC IV)=====
===== Congress Theme: Chemicals in the 21st Century  =====

** 28 November - 2 December 1999 \\
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand **

This Fourth Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress on the Impact of Chemicals in the 21<sup>st</sup> Century was held to celebrate the Sixth Cycle Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who has throughout his long reign, worked untiringly for the health and prosperity of the Thai people.
The Congress marked the turn of a century of global industrial development in which the use of chemicals had an important impact both on human health and on the environment - an impact that had positive and negative consequences for our quality of life. In the field of medicine, research into therapeutic applications of chemicals has led to improved methods of treat¬ment and to the effective eradication of some diseases. In agricultural and industrial development as well, the increasing use of chemicals has brought considerable benefits, but also, when misused and uncontrolled, this has led to environmental pollution and widespread disaster. 
The Congress looked forward to the next century and to the new technologies which will ensure that our use of chemical substances is optimally beneficial to human health, enhancing our quality of life and safeguarding our environment.
Interrelating the key areas of health, environment and technology, the Congress brought together experts and practitioners from a wide range of specializations all of which involve the use and control of chemicals. Through the sharing of expertise and the exchange of knowledge, new directions for the beneficial and safe use of chemicals sought as a benchmark for developments in the next century. The Nobel Prize scientist, Professor F. Sherwood Rowland presented lectures in this Congress.

The winner of the “Princess Chulabhorn Gold Medal Award” is Professor Paul M. Newberne (U.S.A.).