Table of Contents

Circulation Service

CRI staff and students with Library cards are allowed to borrow Library materials. Persons with special permission can have access to the same services.


CRI Staff and students are granted Library membership.
One photograph, size 1” x 1”, black and white/colour is needed for application. [download Application Form here]

Materials for use in the Library

Extension of loan period

Loan period for the Library materials may be extended on request. Users may renew materials by bringing them to the Library or by contacting Library staff on ext. 2303

Period of Loan

Type of Materials Borrower Number of Items Loan Period (Days)
Bound volume Staff 3 3
Student 1 3
Single issue Staff & Student 3 3
Latest issue* Staff 3 3
Student 1 3
Reference book* Staff & Student 1 1
Reserved book Staff & Student 1 1
Classified book Staff 3 7
Student 3 3
General publication Staff 3 7
Student 3 3
CRI publication
Duplicate copy Staff & Student 3 3
One copy in the Library Not on loan

* The latest issue of journals and reference books. Users are allowed to borrow the latest issue of journals and reference books 15 minutes before the Library is closed, and to return them before noon on due date

Fines for overdue loans

Any student failing to renew or return borrowed material by the due date shall be liable to pay a fine calculated on the following scale.

Reference and reserved books 5 baht/item/hr. or
40 baht/item/day
Other borrowed materials 3 baht/item/day
No fine will be charged for the days when the Library is closed.

Lost material

Fines will be calculated, according to the Rates of Fines from the date due to the date when the book is reported lost.

The borrower is liable to pay the full cost of replacement including processing charges for the loss as well as for any serious damage to materials.